Mother’s Day Weekend
Yoga and Meditation Retreat
May 8-10, 2026
-held at –
Camp Allen Retreat Center
Navasota, TX
(midway between Austin and Houston)
Cost: $645
($595 prior to March 8, 2026)
Treat yourself to a rejuvenating escape with our Mother’s Day Weekend Yoga Retreat. This will be our 28th year to offer this retreat. Enjoy a serene blend of gentle asanas, soul-soothing meditation, great food, and enriching yoga philosophy, all while enjoying the beautiful grounds of this retreat center.
Unwind and reconnect with your inner peace in the company of like-minded souls.
Fee includes: Lodging, meals, classes, workshops, handouts, and materials/supplies. Fee does not include: Travel expenses and massage therapy. Registration is limited and often sells out early, so be sure to register ASAP. To check on space availability or other information, please send e-mail to
If registering for more than one person, please include their contact information as well.
Once you have paid, please email Charles with the following information
- Name
- Work & Home Phone Numbers
- E-Mail Address
- Mailing Address and Zip Code
- Emergency Contact (name, email and phone #)
To register by check: please make check payable to Charles MacInerney, and send to Charles MacInerney Expanding Paradigms 5803 Westmont Austin, TX 78731. If registering for more than one person, please include their contact information as well.
Refund Policy: Registrants who have paid in full are entitled to a 75% refund with a minimum of 7 days notice of cancellation. The remaining balance of 25% can be applied towards a future retreat.
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The retreat starts at 7 pm Friday evening and ends at 3 pm on Sunday.
The schedule follows a simple routine throughout the weekend. Hatha Yoga and a guided relaxation is followed by meditation. Then we gather for a meal. Afterwards there is free time, then a workshop and discussion group, followed by more asana, meditation, and another meal.
The first workshop will provide an overview of Raja Yoga as a way of life. Each subsequent workshop will cover one or more of the eight limbs beginning with Yamas on Saturday morning and finishing with Samadhi on Sunday afternoon.
Yamas (5 Abstinences)
Niyamas (5 Observances)
Hatha Yoga (Control of the physical body)
Pranayama (Control of the breath)
Pratyahara (Control of the senses)
Dharana (Control of the mind)
Dhyana (Meditation)
Samadhi (Illumination)
These workshops are highly experiential which is essential for participants to be able to absorb and integrate the information and exercises into their lives.
Please note that Texas weather can be unpredictable, so allowances will be made to the schedule if needed.
Topics Covered
Discussions: Raja Yoga and the Eight-fold Path; Yamas & Niyamas; the Seven Chakras.
Workshops: Pranayama & The Science of Breath; Visualization; Biofeedback; Creativity; Mind-Mapping; Concentration and The Mind/Body Connection.
Hatha Yoga: Six Hatha Yoga classes. Charles is often assisted by other yoga teachers. This allows for more personal attention for participants during the retreat. All levels of student, from beginners to advanced students and teachers will be catered to.
Meditation: Eight meditation sessions including Working, Walking, Eating, Somatic, Sense Withdrawal, Perfected Master, and Detached Observation.
All levels are welcome to attend, and participation in all activities is optional.
A recent yoga retreat included four students with no prior experience, thirteen beginning-to-intermediate-level students, and two yoga teachers. All of the participants found the experience challenging, yet even the absolute beginners felt comfortable and safe as they explored the world of yoga for the first time.
Retreat Facilities
Established in 1921 by the Episcopal Diocese of Texas, Camp Allen is a year-round facility located mid-way between Austin and Houston near Navasota, Texas.
The retreat center is located on 1,100 beautiful acres of heavily wooded land, and features a conference center, lodge style accommodations, two lakes with fishing, canoeing and paddle-boarding, plus several miles of trails for walking, biking and horseback riding.
We invite you to explore, retreat, and awaken your spirit in the piney woods!
The lodge where we will be staying has a covered front porch, and large private deck in the back, perfect for outdoor yoga. The interior of the lodge has a comfortable lounge area, room for indoor yoga classes and workshops, a spacious dinning room, and fully equipped kitchen. The facility has satellite wifi and cable.
There are 3 bedrooms with 2 beds per room and one larger room with 6 single beds, so registration is l limited to 14 people.
Bed Linens are provided and there is a laundry room onsite.
Meals are a highlight of these retreats. All meals are mostly vegetarian (fish option Saturday Dinner) and delicious! Charles usually likes to cook the Friday evening meal and Saturday breakfast. The subsequent meals are usually catered by our own personal retreat chef.
If you have any food items you would like to bring – supplements, snacks, etc, you are welcome to keep them in the kitchen, and use the kitchen as needed. If you have any food allergies, be sure and let Charles know at least 5 days prior to the first day of the retreat.
Fresh fruit, snacks, and a large selection of teas will be available 24/7. If you need coffee or any other beverages, feel free to bring what you need.
During meals, students quickly make friends, and find themselves engaged is wonderful conversations.
For those preferring solitude, meals can also be enjoyed on the front porch or back deck.
We will have at least one massage therapist on staff who will be offering their services at the special retreat at discounted rates.
For those students who would like to receive a massage but do not want to miss any of the retreat workshops and classes, special appointments may be available on Friday afternoon, prior to the start of the retreat, or Sunday after 3 p.m. following the close of the retreat.
Contact Charles to set up an appointment.
What to Expect
What to Expect
The retreat will officially last until 3 p.m. Sunday afternoon, and facilities must be vacated by 5 p.m. Sunday evening.
Center: We will be staying at St. Teresa House, located on 75 acres and part of the Cedarbrake Renewal center. Most rooms are shared occupancy, but a few upgrades to private rooms are available on a first come basis.
Food: 6 meals will be provided starting with a light meal Friday night, through lunch on Sunday. The meals will be vegetarian, but should more than satisfy most appetites. In the spirit of healthy pleasures I do not wish to deprive any one, so if there is anything you would like to bring, like coffee or snacks, please do. If you have special dietary needs please let me know in advance so we can make arrangements.
Format of Retreat: Charles has set up a 3 day schedule of Yoga Classes, Lectures, Workshops, Meditation Sessions, meals and Free Time which will be included in your hand out packet when you arrive. Please feel free to participate or pass on any or all of the events as your interest, energy and mood dictates. Some times a massage, a nap, or a walk might seem more appropriate than a yoga class or a workshop. We will also encourage group discussion. Often the best insights come from the participants themselves.
What to Bring
What to Bring
Towels, Bed linens and one blanket are provided. If you think you will need extra blankets or pillows please bring them with you;
You will need to bring the following:
Out door clothing for walking;
Comfortable clothing for Yoga Classes;
Yoga ‘sticky mat’ if you have one;
Any Yoga props you like to use;
Toiletries (including soap).
Optional items are:
pen and paper for taking notes;
musical instruments;
insect repellant;
Bicycle for riding trails
umbrella (just in case);
recreational equipment (frisbee, binoculars, fishing etc.);
coffee, or snacks;
floor pillows for main meeting room;
your own meditation stool or blanket;
books that you would like to share with others.
Books: We will set up a table with a wide range of books and magazines relating to yoga, spirituality, meditation, philosophy, fiction etc. Participants will be free to borrow any of these books, but must return them to the table when not in use. If you have a favorite book or books you would like to share for the duration of the retreat, please write your name on the inside cover and bring them with you to add to the collection.
Keep in mind that Texas weather is unpredictable, so pack accordingly.
If you have any questions, suggestions, or requests please call me at (512) 459-2267, or email at I look forward to seeing you at the retreat soon. Namaste’
Directions to Camp Allen
18800 FM 362, Navasota, Texas 77868
Tel: 936-825-7175
Toll Free: 866-334-CAMP
• Take U.S. Highway 290 East toward Houston.
• Continue on 290 to Hempstead.
• Turn North or left onto Hwy. 6 towards Bryan.
• Turn right onto Hwy. 2979
• Turn left onto 362, continue for approx. 1.5 miles to the Camp Allen main entrance (on the left).
• Approximately 2.5 hours.
• Take U.S. Highway 290 (Northwest Freeway) West toward Austin.
• Exit at FM 362.
• Turn right onto FM 362 and go 6 miles to the “T” intersection at FM 1488.
• Turn right onto FM 1488 and go 3 miles to Field Store Community.
• Turn left back onto FM 362 and go 6.2 miles to the Camp Allen main entrance (on the left).
• From Downtown: approximately 1.5 hours. From the Galleria area: approximately 1 hour.
• Follow airport exit signs to Beltway 8 (Sam Houston Tollway) via Intercontinental.
• Turn onto Beltway 8 from JFK and enter the tollway ($1.00 toll).
• Exit the Sam Houston Tollway at U.S. Highway 290 West (toward Austin).
• Exit at FM 362
• Turn right onto FM 362 and go 6 miles to the “T” intersection at FM 1488.
• Turn right onto FM 1488 and go 3 miles to Field Store Community
• Turn left back onto FM 362 and go 6.2 miles to the Camp Allen main entrance (on the left).
• Approximately 1.25 hours.
• Take State Highway 6 south 9 miles past Navasota.
• Turn left onto FM 2.
• Turn right at the “T” intersection with FM 362 and take FM 362 two miles to the Camp Allen
• main entrance (on the right).
• From B/CS: approximately 35 minutes. From Waco: approximately 2.5 hours.
• Take Interstate 45 South to Conroe and exit at Texas Highway 105.
• Turn right, traveling west on TX 105 through Montgomery and Plantersville to FM 362.
• Turn left onto FM 362 and go approx. 8 miles to the Camp Allen main entrance (on the right).
• Approximately 3.5 hours.
• Take Texas Highway 155 to Interstate 45 South to Conroe.
• Follow above directions from Dallas
Please try to arrive between 5:30-7:30 p.m. Friday evening so that you will have time to fill out necessary paperwork, unpack and settle in. If you know you will be arriving later that 8 p.m. please let us know.
Call or text 512 459 2267 if you have trouble finding us, or are running late.