The Guru addressed the gathering, “You do not laugh at the same joke over and over, so why do you continue crying about the same problem?
Much like the resonating chamber of a guitar, the human mind is capable of dampening or amplifying signals. Without realizing it, we often amplify negative and suppress positive experiences. This tendency, however, can be reversed.
A monk living at an ashram in the Australian Outback had a bad toothache. Everyone urged him to make the 5-hour drive to see a dentist. One day he walked out to the garage, picked up a pair of pliers, pulled his tooth, and then returned to his work in the garden. A student asked if pulling his tooth had hurt. “Of course it hurt,” he answered, “but I did not spend a lot of time anticipating the pain, and now that it is over, I do not dwell on the memory of the pain.”