A Yoga Perspective on Politics

One of the ideas that is common in yoga psychology is that strong attraction can easily lead to a strong aversion for its opposite.

I have a friend who loves native species. Overtime this has led to an aversion to invasive species. He gets angry at the sight of bamboo growing in someone’s back yard. Some sports fans are driven by a love of their team, but gradually develop a hatred for an opposing team. Those that love one religion can easily develop an aversion for other religions. I recently heard an interview with a leader of the feminist movement from the 70’s. She lamented that what started out as a love of feminism was now lurching towards a hatred of the masculine.

Currently I see this same movement from love to hatred taking place around the idea of tolerance. If you love tolerance fantastic! I share your love of tolerance. But if you are not careful, your love of tolerance can easily turn into a hatred of intolerance. You become intolerant of those you perceive as intolerant. Thus, you become that which you hate and descend into self-loathing.

This movement is a tendency and is by no means inevitable.

If you love tolerance, practice tolerance. Not just when it is easy and you are surrounded by people who share your values, but more importantly, when in the company of those you perceive as intolerant.

Advocating tolerance for the intolerant is a tough sell, but what is the alternative? After all, what is more likely to heal the intolerance of others, our hatred or our love? Better to focus on love and in so doing become the love that you love.


1 Comment

  1. Jerry Clement February 25, 2019 Reply

    I enjoyed this article up until the point I was looking at myself in the mirror. Truth can be a hard pill to swallow. But your wisdom has inspired me today.

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